Support for Law Enforcement

In 2015, the Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission determined that it had a surplus stockpile of semi-automatic rifles. Their solution was sell these rifles to local law enforcement agencies at a discounted rate of $100 per rifle. While most municipalities’ police departments had budgets to make this purchase, other departments such as the Angelina County Sheriff’s office, were unable to access the funds to do so.
A group of local leaders agreed that these agencies should have some type of organization to help them attain additional funds for future opportunities.
Rocky Thigpen and local business owners created a non-profit organization called B.U.L.L.E.T. Businesses Understanding Local Law Enforcement of East Texas (B.U.L.L.E.T) was established to raise funds to supplement law enforcement agencies that lacked funds necessary to purchase new or updated equipment. A few examples of the contributions we have made are:
· Providing the Lufkin Police Department with Tasers for each officer
· Providing training tourniquets for Lufkin Police Department
· Purchased large LED light bar for Central ISD’s Police Department
· Provided breaching tools for each patrol car for Lufkin Police Department
This year marks the 2nd Annual Fundraiser sponsored by B.U.L.L.E.T. at the Community Room at the Lufkin Chamber of Commerce. We are extremely excited to be able to host an event on March 22nd that directly benefits law enforcement and citizens alike. Please swing by from 5 to 7 PM, grab a hamburger and consider making a donation to this worthy cause.

We are also holding a raffle for a .45 Caliber Gold Cup Colt Texas Ranger 1911 Pistol (carried by the longest tenured Texas Ranger in the state).
If you have any questions about our the event, would like to get more involved, want to purchase raffle tickets, or donate directly to the organization, please contact Rocky at 936.635.7830
Be there for your local law enforcement. They are always here for you.