Wells, Lines and Plants: Improving a Water System
Originally established as a railroad village, the City of Kosse can trace it's history back to 1869. Although the City has expanded with operations including agriculture, ranching, the Luminant Kosse Mine and more, they did not have their own water supply. Until recently, the City had purchased water from a nearby water district. In order to provide a more cost effective water solution for its' citizens as well as a local source of drinking water, the City initiated the Water System Improvements Project.

The roughly $2.5 million dollar project was funded by the Texas Water Development Board with an EDAP grant and D-Fund Loan to provide a water plant, two water wells, and a water line connecting the water plant to the city. There are now two 165 GPM water wells, booster pumps, a ground storage tank and hydropneumatic tank, a chlorination and polyphosphate system, and about 37,000 feet of water line. GLS provided services to the project by assisting in the preparation of the D-Fund application, designing all three portions of the project, preparing contract documents, permitting with TxDOT and the Union Pacific Railroad, and obtaining TWDB and TCEQ approvals. GLS also administered project bidding and assisted the City with construction phase services including pay estimate review, site visits, submittal review and construction close out.
(2) 165 GPM +/- Water Wells
63,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank
12,000 Gallon Pressure Tank
(3) 365 GPM Booster Pumps
Chlorination System
Polyphosphate Treatment for Iron
32,600 LF +/- 6" and 8" Waterline and 5,700 LF 4" and 2" Waterline
TxDOT Permit
Union Pacific Railroad Permit