6,000 LF of 12" Waterline - Austin's Colony Parkway Project

With the construction of a new high school underway, Bryan ISD needed a new roadway and waterline to be extended from the end of Austin's Colony Parkway to Old Reliance Road. For the construction of Rudder High School and the increased traffic that it would bring, a 4 lane roadway with a median was needed to circulate incoming and outgoing students and school staff.
GLS initially performed a traffic impact study to determine the size of roadway to be constructed. We also prepared construction documents for the approx. 3,500 LF of roadway (4 lanes with median) and approx. 6,000 LF of 12" waterline. With increase traffic to the area, a traffic signal was also installed. The total construction cost of the project was about $ 1.5 million.

Goodwin-Lasiter-Strong provided the design survey, boundary survey, engineering design, bid and construction phase services coordination with TCEQ and assisted with public meetings. The project was constructed by Brazos Valley Services.
12" Waterline
4 Lane Roadway
Install Traffic Signal
Traffic Impact Study
Gutter Construction
Special thanks to City Engineer, Paul Kaspar, P.E.. Mr. Kaspar has worked with the City of Bryan for over 21 years and has acted as the City Engineer for the past 13 years. As our point of contact for the City of Bryan, he provided a voice for consultants, City staff and stakeholders.
