Complete Infrastructure Replacement: City of Bryan

The City of Bryan implemented a CIP project to replace the entire infrastructure including water, sewer, paving and drainage. The existing roadway did not drain and the pavement was in unacceptable condition. GLS developed construction documents for the project to reconstruct approx. 4,000 LF of concrete roadway, 1,500 LF of sanitary sewer, 4,000 LF of water, approx. 2,000 LF of storm sewer, and 9,000 LF of sidewalks with handicap ramps.

Our team provided design survey, engineering design, bid and construction phase services, coordination with TCEQ and assisted with public meetings. The project was constructed by Brazos Valley Services and the total construction cost was roughly $1.2 Million.
"We enjoy working with the leaders in our local community of Bryan to improve overall quality of life by increasing traffic mobility, providing safe drinking water and sanitary treatment. The City of Bryan always excels at getting the community involved and using their input to be proactive in identifying and solving issues." - John Rusk, P.E., Project Manager
