Local Community Streets Reconstructed

Although GLS has multiple offices across Texas, the City of Lufkin has been home to our headquarters for nearly 40 years. As the community of Lufkin has grown and flourished, our team at GLS has enjoyed being able to provide professional services for the projects of the City, as well as Lufkin ISD. Two of those projects included the rehabilitation of Copeland Street and the reconstruction of Tulane Drive.

The Copeland Street Rehabilitation Project was proposed due to the poor drainage and soil conditions near the street. Upon closer look, we discovered that the existing waterline was undersized and inadequate and needed to be renewed as well. Copeland Street is a collector road, approximately 1.5 miles long with sidewalks, storm sewers, curb inlets, and fire protection. The City reconstructed the road and replaced the existing AC waterline, which was installed by directional boring with Certa-Lok pipe.

1.5 miles of Road and Waterline
Curb Inlets
Fire Protection
Storm Sewer
GLS was contracted by GLS to completely reconstruct and partially re-align Tulane Drive, a major collector through the City. This project included a 3 lane roadway, 12" waterline and 12" sanitary sewer, along with drainage improvements. Box culverts, RCP, storm sewer and

curb inlets made up the drainage system.
3 Lane Roadway
12" Waterline
12" Sanitary Sewer
Storm Sewer Design

GLS provided a design survey, a boundary survey, the engineering design, bid and construction phase services for both projects. For the Copeland Street Rehabilitation project GLS also provided coordination with TCEQ and the neighborhood through public meetings. Coordination with TCEQ was also required for the Tulane Drive Reconstruction project as well as with the Corp of Engineers and Texas Forest Service.
