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Project Update: Mart ISD Campus Improvements Project - New High School Facility

As a whole, the 2018 Mart ISD Campus Improvements Project consisted of elementary school classroom additions, a new vo-tech building and a new high school facility. Phase 1 focused on adding 5 new classrooms to the existing elementary school and providing Mart's students with a new high school building to fit the needs of the community. The classroom additions were completed in November of 2019 and the high school facility finished construction in the fall of 2020. Phase 2 is currently under development, with new vo-tech building expected to be finished this summer (2021).

The school board determined in 2018 that the old high school building was no longer conducive to the education of students, and closed its' doors prior to the completion of the new high school building. During Phase 1 of the project, students attended classes at the elementary school campus.

Construction on the high school facility began in November 2019 and with a final construction cost of $14,150,000, the new high school is now open to students and staff. The 71,100 sq. ft. building houses an administration department, 20 classrooms, a STEM lab, cafeteria, band hall, competition gym and locker rooms. It was important to the school board that the new high school facility allow for students to learn in a classroom setting designed to meet their needs, and support the growing community that the school is a part of. Although a smaller district, they are full of spirit and have a strong desire to provide their students with as many opportunities for success as possible. With this in mind, our lead architect on the project, Billy Ballow, R.A. and lead interior designer Jennifer Sitton, RID designed a building that represented the passion for learning and traditions of excellence that serves as pillars for the foundation of Mart ISD.

"The new facility is much more open and well lighted building that includes a technology STEM area, modern science labs and a new competition gym. The School Board wanted to ensure the highest quality environment for their students to learn and I am proud to have been part of their mission. Working on this project alongside Larry Lasiter, P.E., Billy Ballow, R.A., Tamesha Root, RID, Eddie Morgan, P.E., and Jennifer Wedgeworth, RID, I believe that we have succeeded in providing the students with a state-of-the-art facility." - Jennifer Sitton, RID


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