Recently Completed Project: Jasper County's CR 200 Road and Drainage Improvements
Jasper County received grant funding through the Texas General Land Office's Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Infrastructure (GLO CDBG-MIT) Program in 2022 for roadway and drainage improvements. CR 200 was selected by the County as a standalone project to receive enhancements due to its frequent flooding at Mill Creek.
GLS designed approximately 21,744 LF of road and drainage improvements from the existing railroad crossing, north to US Highway 96. Construction began on September 6, 2022, replacing drainage structures with new concrete box culverts, headwalls, safety treatments and erosion control rock riprap. The dilapidated roadway was replaced with stabilized subgrade, new crushed stone base and asphalt. Safety end treatments were placed on all cross culverts, and a metal beam guard fence was constructed to increase safety.
Due to weather and utility delays, construction was extended 40 days past the initial timeframe provided by the contractor and was completed May 7, 2023. However, the $3.5 million grant project was finished well before the final contract date between Jasper County and the Texas General Land Office. According to the GLO and Grant Administrator, Waxman Inc., this project was the first grant to be completed and closed out in this specific program!

"This project provides much needed flood water handling upgrades to County Road 200 in north Jasper County. Working with Jasper County, Waxman Inc., Gulf Coast A CRH Company and the Texas General Land Office, the project was delivered ahead of schedule and under budget! The GLS team is proud to have been part of this project.", stated Project Manager Nicholas Hoelscher, P.E.
With the improvements, residents of the community who live along the county road will be able to travel or evacuate if needed during storms or other natural disasters such as hurricanes. In addition, the road may be utilized as an alternative route when the reconstruction/widening of US 96 begins.
GLS Project Team Members
Nicholas Hoelscher, P.E. (Project Manager, Civil Engineering)
Pat Oates, P.E. (Civil Engineering)
Dean Yates, RPLS (Land Surveying)