Team Member Highlight: Lisa McElveen

Lisa began her career at GLS in 1983. “I was working part time for my father who is an attorney and was attending school when Philip Goodwin, PE RPLS and Larry Lasiter, PE offered me a job as a ‘secretary’ as we called it back in the day” said Lisa. At the time, she was attending Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. In 1988, she graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and began working full time at our firm.
This year marks 37 years that Lisa has been part of our team. From starting out as an administrative assistant with simply a typewriter, to now being the office manager of our Lufkin office, she has been an invaluable part of our team. “Lisa is one-of-a-kind! She is passionate and dedicated to the company. I’m honored to have her as my leader.” - Lorena Villegas, Administrative Assistant

When asked what her favorite company tradition was Lisa responded: “Four our employees, the Christmas parties because they are so much fun! For our clients - our Christmas Card Competition. I am very proud of the fact that our employees design the card that goes out with our Christmas gifts to clients.” Every year, we host a Christmas party for all offices which kicks off with a table decorating contest. After winners are awarded their prizes, everyone sits down to enjoy catered food before the games begin. In previous years, games have included: White Elephant, Secret Santa, Candy Cane Spoons, Monopoly and more!

Lisa visited Greece in 1980
She went to Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK and studied art for a year
Q. If you were stranded on an island for a year and could have 3 items with you, what would they be?
A. Since they are items and not people, I would have to say my glasses, medicine so I don’t get sick from anything on the island and my Bible because I would have plenty of time to read it! But if I could choose people, I would definitely say my three daughters!
Q. If you had to listen to one album on repeat for a year, what would it be?
A. The Eagles - Greatest Hits
Q. What is your talent?
A. I’m crafty!