The Historic Southside Rehabilitation Project

Striving to provide the best living conditions for its' community, the City of College Station implemented a neighborhood rehabilitation project within its' historic Southside. Located south of Texas A&M's Kyle Field in the heart of College Station, roadways such as Maryem St. and those that intersect it, provide access to homes throughout the West Park neighborhood. Prior to the initiation of the project in West Park, the streets lacked sidewalks and had numerous cracks (as pictured above).

The project focused on replacing the current road with concrete, adding a sidewalk for pedestrians and replacing the waterline and sanitary sewer line. The drainage features added to the neighborhood included HDPE pipe, curb inlets, grate inlets, and box culverts. Given the age of the existing facilities, construction was difficult, however GLS was able to assist with adjustments as new constraints were discovered.
13,200 SY of Concrete Roadway
5,000 LF of Waterline and Sanitary Sewer Line
Drainage Design
Our team provided a design survey, a boundary survey, the engineering design, bid phase services, construction phase services, coordination with TCEQ and assisted with public meetings. Knife River Corp constructed the project, with construction costs of roughly 3.6 million dollars.
